But, I digress... back to Halloween! This year's costume was Raggedy Ann & Andy. Drew and Anna Kate have no idea who they are but that is okay because for now, we can still get by with things like that. We decided on these costumes while we were looking through closets at DotDot's house a couple of months ago. Ashley and I both wore a Raggedy Ann costume made by DotDot when we were around their age and lucky for us, DotDot held on to it for all these years (we always kid her about being a pack rat but we have been able to have some really neat things for Anna Kate and Drew that were mine and Ashley's because of it.). We just needed an Andy costume and they would be a perfect pair. We originally were just going to use some of the clothes he has in his closet and buy him a hat. Well, according to DotDot, Drew seemed a little jealous that Anna Kate had a "costume" and he didn't so she made it her mission to make him one also. The end result was absolutely precious but I think it was a bit more of an undertaking than she had bargained for. She worked on it up until the day of Halloween and it was perfect!
I left work a little early and went to pick them up so we could go by Aunt Teresa's house for our first stop of the evening. I have concluded Halloween should always be a weekend occasion. You need all day to get ready and go everywhere you need to. We were a little behind the schedule we had set for ourselves so we weren't able to stay at Aunt Teresa's for long but Drew and Anna Kate sure did rack up while they were there. Mamaw and Papaw met us there also and they got them toys, movies, snacks, etc... Aunt Teresa also spoiled them with toys, coloring books & crayons, and lots of snacks. They were happy and we could have been done there but had to keep the wagon moving. We went to Whitney's house next for some cousin time and trick-or-treating. Since it was chilly and starting to get dark we took a few pictures then headed out to trick-or-treat. AK & D are still a little young to fully grasp the concept but they were excited to ride around the neighborhood with Price & Hayes in the wagon and check all the other people out. I think we only ended up going up to two doors and at the second door they got Dum-Dums. That was all the candy they needed so we watched Price & Hayes for the rest of the trip. We went back to the Davis' for dinner and to enjoy more cousin time. Price, Hayes, Drew, and Anna Kate enjoyed helping hand out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Our whirl-wind evening was closed out by a visit from Granny Lisa when we got home and then it was baths and bed (way later than normal). It was a great time and I know next year will be completely different because they will understand more what it is all about.
Checking out the new loot! Anna Kate got a new doll from Mamaw & Papaw and a new purse from Aunt Teresa. It seems Halloween & Christmas may be similar for my kids!
We could have packed it up and gone home after this and Drew would have been okay. He LOVES to haul things so Mamaw & Papaw hit the jackpot when they found this truck and "trawer". He will just sit or lay in floor and pull it back and forth. He is fascinated.
Smooches for Aunt Teresa for her Halloween goodies!
The best picture I managed to get of them. I tried very hard to get one of them standing up. You can't really get the full effect of the cuteness without seeing the entire ensemble.
Itsy bitsy spider with Papaw and Aunt Teresa
Bye kisses from Mamaw
4 kids under 3 and one cooperative six year old nets a picture like this (or 20 pictures similar to this).
This is what happened when I tried to get a picture of them standing together.
Their rides for trick-or-treating. Not too shabby!
I hate that this picture is blurry. There was a police officer on a motorcycle on the street and Drew and Hayes were enthralled. These two are all boy and very similar. Drew and Anna Kate really love Hayes.
They also really look up to Price. He is a good big cousin.
Drew tried to lift the most important part of train conductor Nathan's costume.
Sweet girl!
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