
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sick... AGAIN!

So, we're going for round number two on the silly cold that plagued us a couple of weeks ago.  This time, John Clay and I decided to join in on the fun too.  It's great...
I decided to take them to the doctor yesterday just to make sure there wasn't something more serious to be worried about and she confirmed that is was an upper respiratory virus (AKA... a cold! I think she wanted me to feel like I got more out of our $80 visit than it was a cold!) and that we there really wasn't anything to do for them other than what we have been. Again, it's great.  I guess I will again say that I am so very thankful it is only a cold and not something more serious but I feel bad for my little sweeties. I hope they can kick it quickly and stay well for the rest of the winter!
Since they were both a little under the weather this weekend, there is nothing fun or exciting to report.  We even had to skip out on Price's birthday party on Sunday. I hate we had to miss it but fortunately for me, they had no idea. That won't last much longer!

Grandaddy took Drew for a lawn mower ride last Friday.  DotDot has been a champ and has been pulling double duty while Mamaw Katherine & Papaw Hubert have been working early voting.  They have been loving all the time they get to spend with her but I know she is tired.
 Pretty girl (who's hair is getting way long and turning lighter!)!
My creative one (who loves his hat from Nanny Norma & Uncle Papaw).  He is a little obsessed with "big trucks" right now.  He is also quite obsessed with hauling things. He will try to hook anything up to his tractor when he rides it or his small truck and tractor. Saturday night, he wanted to pull a golf club behind his bicycle.  He has also been building a "big truck" with what I assume is a trailer with is legos. He's got quite the imagination. And maybe a future in tow truck driving! :)
Here's hoping they get much better for all for the Halloween festivities tomorrow and that Anna Kate (and me!) can get some rest tonight. She coughed all night last night and was exhausted this morning.

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