
Friday, November 16, 2012

"Sissy did it".

I have been quite the slacker lately about taking pictures. I looked back through my phone and it seems that for the past several weeks, I have only taken pictures on the weekends.  I think because it is getting dark so early now, it seems like I get home and we are immediately taking baths and getting ready for bed.  This week has been fairly quiet. Drew and Anna Kate went to school on Wednesday and will be out of school next week for Thanksgiving. We don't have much on the agenda for this weekend (I have MAJOR house cleaning on my schedule which I am sure will be de-railed by my two little sweeties!). We have lots on the calendar between Thanksgiving and Christmas (family get-togethers, birthday parties, baby showers, going to see Santa!) so I think we will enjoy this weekend of no plans because it may be the last we have for a while.

A funny story to end with.... Drew came up to John Clay last night with only the plug in part of his phone charger and told him it was "broke".  When John Clay asked him why he broke it, Drew said "Sissy did it".  Anna Kate had been getting her hair dried and was no where near the phone charger.  Little stinker was trying to blame things on his "poor" sister!  John Clay had a talk with him and after a few times of asking him if he was sure sissy was the one who did it he finally fessed up. Oh, it has already started!
And to finish up this post that is a little all over the place, I will post some random pictures!
 This was the way I found Anna Kate in her bed a couple of mornings ago.  She was just sitting there quietly with all of her things gathered around. She is a bit of a hoarder and keeps all kinds of stuff in her bed. It takes 10 minutes to get it all ready at night!
And not to be outdone, Drew gathered up his things and covered up. He will lay down and breathe hard when he's trying to be pitiful. I don't think it is pitiful, I think it's funny!

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