
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sleepovers, birthday party, gymnastics, oh my!

This weekend was full of fun for my little cuties! On Saturday night, they spent their first night at Mamaw & Papaw's house.  We weren't sure if they were actually going to stay but they did just fine.  They got to sleep on air mattress on Mamaw & Papaw's floor and they thought that was the berries! Anna Kate was more than excited and Drew took a little convincing but from what I hear didn't have any issues after we dropped them off.  They thought they were having a camp out and Drew even asked when they were going to build the fire.  Haha! I guess we will need to put camping on the schedule this summer.  I think they will love it!
Sunday afternoon they went to a birthday party for a friend from school.  They had a late night and early morning at their sleepover and when you combine that with no nap, they were completely exhausted by dinner time.  Drew fell asleep on the couch while we made dinner and was finally convinced to get up and take a bath about 2 hours later.
Monday was a much needed small step towards getting back to normal.  Drew and Anna Kate went to DotDot's house for the first time in since Grandaddy got sick (over three weeks!).  They were really excited about going and even more excited to learn that Aunt Ashley would be coming for a visit.  We missed our weekend visit with her because of the birthday party so we planned for dinner Monday evening.  Monday was also their first gymnastics class! We have been talking for 2 years about taking them and we finally did it. We should have done it a long time ago because they had so.much.fun!  Aunt Ashley went with us so that made it that much more great! They were a little wound up and did not get a nap on Monday so I will be honest and say I was a little nervous about how it would go.  I will also be honest and tell you that I may or may not have threatened them on the way there that if they didn't behave and listen to their teacher that we would leave and not go back.  They did wonderfully! I would like to think that they took my threats seriously but the good behavior was likely because they were enjoying themselves so much. Either way, I'll take it! We plan to make gymnastics a part of our weekly routine. Our hope is that they will be ready to move out of the "Mommy and Me" class soon and in to a class with cousin Hayes! How fun would that be?!
 Drew's bed head after naps on Saturday. Such a handsome man!
 Ready to party! They were so very excited about going to Cydnee's party.
 First experience with a Pinata.  They did well and didn't hit anyone! Drew did use the bat as an air guitar before passing it along to the next person in line.  That boy.... he is such a little comedian. He loves it when people laugh at his antics!
 The loot!
 This is what tired looks like.  After all the activities this weekend and gymnastics Monday night, they were worn out!
Sound asleep. Their room was completely dark and neither or them even flinched at my flash.

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