
Friday, January 17, 2014

2 year "Blogiversary"

January 1, 2014 was my 2 year "Blogiversary".  Like last year, I am pretty amazed that I have kept it up and I am oh so glad I did!  It is so very hard to believe a year has passed! Where did 365 days get off to so quickly?  What were we doing for all of those days?  Well, good news... the blog will tell me! (Seems I didn't leave my "corniness" in 2013!)  One thing I am disappointed I didn't do last year was get the blog printed into a book. Maybe I can make good on that this year. AND... I'll get to get two books! I am a terrible procrastinator and I know how time consuming it will be. I tried to "auto populate" a book with the 2012 blog last year and it came out as a 500 page book! So.... that means I am going to have to arrange every page. I do know how much I am going to love having it so I'm not sure why it has been so hard for me to just sit down and get it done.
Any way... moving on to more fun things..... I love going back and reading my "reviews" of Drew and Anna Kate's personalities.  Some things are forever unchanged and some things change daily.  One thing remains, they are awesome! I don't remember my life before them but it must have been somewhat boring.

Drew, you are the  most stubborn child I have ever met. This is one of those things that has changed in you. When you were tiny, your sister was the demanding one. We always said you were just happy to be here. You still are a happy little boy that smiles with your whole face but if you have made your mind up about something, that is it. Wardrobe choice is our main argument most days. More often than not, you go places with outfits that don't match and aren't seasonally appropriate.  I have kind of given up. Its just not worth the fight (refer to your stubbornness). I think you are going to play an instrument of some kind. You can play "air guitar" (I guess it isn't really "air" because you will use things like toy swords as a guitar) with the best of them and you really, really love to play the drums.  Ironically this drives your father, the drummer, crazy! You know how to push his buttons and you will go head to head with him pretty much daily. I hope this is a phase because as a toddler, its cute. As a teenager, not so much!  During your spats you come out with some of the most hilarious things! Your new things is saying... "Daddy! People don't need to tell people (insert whatever it is that he is getting on to you for)".  A few weekends ago we were eating breakfast and you were going to town on the ottoman with your drum sticks and your daddy got on to you.  You came running across this living room with your crooked little pointer finger aimed directly at him and said "Daddy! People don't need to tell people not to play the drums! Daddy!"  We both had to look away so you didn't see us laughing.  You told him just last night "Daddy! People don't need to tell people that they have to go to bed!" Whew, you are something else! You also told  yelled at us that you were not going to go to bed and that you were not going to have a good night! This was in response to us telling you "Good night" before leaving your room. But for all the stubborn and meanness, you sure are cute and you are a great cuddler. You are the world's best greeter! When you get excited about seeing someone your face lights up, you yell their name, and then run to them with a big hug. It is so pure and genuine. Melt me and put me in the palm of your hand! You still like big trucks, cars, tools, anything "boy". You pick at your sister and play too rough with her but you get very concerned if she is hurt. I love your spunk!
Anna Kate, you are such a sass! That is your constant. I guess we know what you are going to be like when you grow up. You love to draw, color, and paint. You make notes and write letters.  You are a hoarder. You like packing bags, your bed, baskets, anything with a random array of your things.You tell stories. I have had to make the disclaimer to everyone that when you say "my mama says/does/etc...." that they shouldn't necessarily believe it! When you don't get your way you are a serious pouter. You try to protest by crossing your arms and stomping your foot as big as you can. This usually makes us laugh which is turn, makes you laugh. You are oh so dramatic. You have a little trick that when you really hurt yourself, you hold your breath while you cry, You have passed out at least 3 times while doing this. You have taken years off of our lives with this stunt! Even your poor brother comes flying when you get hurt now so he can help blow in your face to get you breathing again.  Oh, sis, you're a mess. You are so sweet though. You like to help with grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, & the dishes. You still mother your babies and Drew.  For a little while you were our early riser but recently, you have enjoyed sleeping in. If we try to wake you up, you hide under your covers and tell us you aren't ready to get up yet! You have a strange obsession with your hairbows. You pull the draw full of them out and will play with them for hours. You are a super sweet little girl that loves to give hugs and kisses. All we have to do is tell you that you will make someone sad if you don't tell them good-bye, give them a hug, etc.... and you will run straight to do it.  You are funny and most of the time you don't even mean to be.
I have been slacking in the blogging department lately.  I have been lacking in creativity and I think I remember this being an issue around this time last year. Since I am a fair weather friend, I am going to blame it on the cold! Hopefully, I'll come around and be able to keep up my end of the deal this year with the blog. I know I won't ever be sorry I did it!
 Playing his drum along with the band on Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Smart girl! She got my iPad, climbed up on the bed, and started her baby doll game all by herself!
 Helping his daddy work on his tricycle
Talking to Mamaw on the phone. She was telling her that we were going to go to an "Elephant parade" that night.  Again, she can tell some pretty wild stories!

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