
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The shenanigans of my little ones sure do keep us entertained Sometimes they make us nervous, sometimes the make us shake our heads, and most of the time they make us laugh!
 Anna Kate worked and worked to get up here the other day. I guess she thought this was a good reading perch. The funniest part of this picture is that she was reading John Clay's mowing schedule.
 This is one of those head shaking/nervous moments. They decided it was a good idea to open the ottoman lid, climb up it, then ride it down. Repeat. It kept them quite entertained.
 We were getting ready to leave the other day and I told Anna Kate to get her lovey so we could leave.  I guess she decided that her kitty, bucket, and beach ball were also necessities for bye-bye. Heaven help me if that is any indicator of what kind of packer she will be in the future!
 This is how Drew rides in the car now.  He is way too cool for school. (See Anna Kate;s beach ball? It is a staple for leaving now days)
 Anna Kate got into my workout bag last night and decided she needed to dress up. She has on my tennis shoes, that is my sports bra around her neck (don't worry, it was clean) and of course, her purse.  She is so fashionable!
 Drew doesn't like to be left out of diaper changes.
This one cracks me up. Anna Kate still likes to get her clothes out and dress herself up. She is getting closer to getting it right, she just isn't there quite yet. Haha!

Two is better than one!

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