
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gym Bugs!

Today, we went to our first open gym at Gym Bugs. Aunt Ashley, Meredith, and Hudson met us there. I feel confident that Anna Kate & Drew had a good time!  It took Drew a few minutes to warm up amidst all that was going on inside that small room but once he did, he really liked having the freedom to roam and explore.  They enjoyed  jumping on the trampoline, going down the slide, the seesaw (there are advantages to having a twin), and riding on the little car roller coaster. We were there for about 45 minutes and I was sure they would be fast asleep before we got too far down the road but they held out. Their sleepy little eyes were barely open by the time we pulled into our driveway.  We had an early lunch and down for a nap they went. As of now, they have been asleep for two hours and are still snoozing away.

 Drew wasn't so sure about all of this. He was actually clinging to Meredith's legs in this picture and didn't realize it.  He has woken up as a terrible two year old the past few mornings and has been pretty cranky.  He is becoming quite opinionated and cantankerous in his old age (of 18 months. Ha!).  But after he has some time to settle in and get good and awake, he is his sweet, smiley self.
 My little social butterfly jumped right in and started having fun.
 Warming up a bit.
 Pretty girl!
 Having a good time now!
The majority of the kids there were around D & AK's age. Neither of them were particularly interested in the other kids except for these two older girls that Anna kept following around.  She thinks she's a big girl too. 
 Jump, Jump, Jump
And they all fall down!  We will definitely be going back to let them run off some of their endless energy soon!

And a cute story to end with.... On Monday, Grandaddy taught Anna Kate and Drew that a bunny says "Hop, Hop, Hop".  They caught on pretty quickly except they say "Bop, Bop, Bop".  In their sweet little voices.  Sometimes the cuteness is just too much to handle!

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