
Friday, August 9, 2013

A little of this, a little of that...

I am a couple of weeks behind on blogging. I think it is because I have started on a post a couple of different times but haven't been able to put my thoughts together in a concise way. What have we been doing? Well, lots of things I guess.
Drew and Anna Kate had a sleep over with DotDot and Grandaddy a couple of Saturdays ago while John Clay and I threw a surprise birthday party for a friend. They did well but not great! My little non-sleeper, Anna Kate, woke up sometime around 4 crying and made her way into DotDot and Grandaddy's bed. Drew fell out of the bed not too long after that so he also found himself in DotDot and Grandaddy's bed! When Grandaddy got up  at 7:30 for the day, Anna Kate decided she should get up with him and then decided Drew needed to get up as well. Apparently, she has decided 7:30 is a good time for her to start getting up because she has gotten up at pretty much that same time every morning since. She will usually try to get Drew up too but he has gotten pretty good at tuning her out!
Drew and Anna Kate have also had hair cuts, played in the dirt, went swimming, and many other fun things. We have been busy getting ready for their big 3rd birthday party this week. How on this earth are they already three years old?! I am pretty sure they are going through a growth spurt right now because their appetite has been great. Mamaw Katherine was just telling me that when she picked them up at school this week, she had to look at them for a minute because they had changed so much in just a week that they didn't even look like themselves!
 Going for a little swim.  Drew has turned in to a great swimmer!
 Trying to get in. The water was C.O.L.D.  This summer has been strangely cool.
 My pretty girl getting her hair trimmed.
 Drew felt like he needed to explore while Anna was getting her hair trimmed. I was also getting my hair done at the same time and he was totally amused by the dryer.
Looking handsome after his trim. See his socks and Crocs? The crazy kids insists on wearing socks always! He also is always hiking up his pants. Silly boy!
Working hard. He needed to take his diggers out and play in front of the big digger. The boy loves playing in the dirt!
I took Anna Kate shopping with me and she found a few things she needed!
Look at those long legs! They are both getting so big so fast! They were trying out a treat that we were experimenting with for their birthday party.

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