
Monday, June 10, 2013

Crazy kids!

I have some crazy kids! I am constantly laughing at their shenanigans and big personalities! I hope they always enjoy life as much as they do right now!

 This was how they rode to DotDot's house last Monday. Drew really needed his football helmet and glove (I guess we need to work on sports basics with him) and Anna Kate wanted to beautiful in her "big tutu".
 Having fun playing with Aunt Ashley. Notice Drew made himself a seat on her chest.
 Crazy! Drew lifted the lamp shade for his sister (even though he knows he isn't supposed to mess with it) and she decided it was a nice hat. I'm pretty sure he was fixing to jump on her too!
 She just couldn't wait to get int he bathtub the other night. She *almost* undressed herself!
 We go ready to leave for some errands the other morning and this is what she thought she was going to wear!
Drew loves a helmet! This is Papaw Tim's motorcycle helmet but he is also very, very fond of his bicycle helmet. Although, he wants the chin strap to sit on the front of his chin like they wear them in marching bands. Silly boy!

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