For some reason, I didn't get any pictures from Grandaddy's party. I haven't been good about taking pictures lately. I was also called out by Aunt Ashley yesterday for not being so on top of blogging so far this year. So, I guess I will make this a catch up!
We have been pretty busy lately. We have a contract on our house! Hopefully, everything will go well this time and we will actually get to closing! If everything goes as planned, we will close on June 14th. That is only 6 weeks away and we have lots of things on our schedule between now and then! I have never moved an entire house before so I don't really know what to expect. We hope to build a new house. We will be moving in with Mamaw Katherine and Papaw Hubert while we build. Anna Kate and Drew will be in heaven! I don't know if Hubert & Katherine realize what is about to hit them!
John Clay has been playing softball with Parks and Rec and Drew and Anna Kate are loving going to watch him play. That has been part of what is keeping us so busy and out late during the week. But we all have fun so it is worth it!
Drew and Anna Kate are getting smarter by the day. They amaze me at the things they know. They are so observant and nothing gets by them. Anna Kate especially likes to tell stories but it seems as though a lot of her stories are just that, stories. She told me the other day after I picked her up at Hubert & Katherine's house that John Clay hit my car with his lawn mower. I asked him about it and he said he had not done such a thing. She is so funny! Their imaginations are really starting to come to life. Drew will line up his riding toys in a straight line and tell us he is "working" on them. They both have very good manners and will thank you and each other for doing things for them or if you get them something. They also will thank you if you tell them they look beautiful/handsome and are so sweet and will hand out compliments. I wore a dress the other day and Anna Kate kept telling me how pretty I looked. Drew likes to call people "Honey" and will also tell you to be careful if he deems something you are doing to be dangerous like leaning back in a chair. I attribute that to spending lots of time with his Mamaw Katherine! :) When the land line rings at DotDot and Grandaddy's house, they will both yell that it is a "courtesy call". Again, they are listening! I love hearing them talk to each other and watching them play together. They have started wrestling which most times starts off as playing but ends up with someone crying so I don't love that so much. They are also very caring for one another and get quite concerned if the other gets hurt or is upset. Anna Kate fell and skinned her knee last week and DotDot said after she got her all cleaned up and they went back outside, Drew told Anna that he was sorry. She told him it wasn't his fault and he told her he was sorry anyway. Precious! They are very sweet and affectionate kids that love life and have a great time doing anything. Everything is so new and exciting to them and I love getting to experience it with them. They may drive me crazy sometimes but I love those little boogers so much I am okay with being crazy.
Pretty girl! She got herself all dressed up after baths the other night.
Its kind of blurry but Drew took all of his cars and strategically lined them up. He seems to like lining things up these days. John Clay says that is something he gets from me.
Having fun at the ballpark. Anna Kate was talking to Helen and was rambling on and on about something. I am sure Helen didn't understand a word of it. Haha!
Watching a little Barney. They kept trying to put their chairs in front of each other.
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