
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend was wonderful! The weather was perfect and we had lots of fun planned. Spring stuck around a little longer this year than normal. Last year, it was 80 in March. This year, we have only been in the 80s a handful of days so far. So, with sunny skies and temperatures in the 70s, our plans took us outside for the entire weekend!
Our first stop Saturday was to see Grandaddy at the tractor show. He was going to have the "train" there and since it was such a big hit the last time, we wanted to make sure to get there for some more rides. DotDot went with us and after we left there, we went grocery shopping then home for naps. John Clay got home from working right after they got up so we had a quick dinner then went out to look at some lots. We made a quick stop by Mamaw & Papaw's house and then home for bed.
 Riding the tractor with Grandaddy. He even got to steer!
 Snack break
 Just chillin'. He camped out there because he was convinced he was going to get to drive the train.

Sunday morning I got woken up quite early by something banging on my head. It took me a minute to figure out what was happening to me. DotDot got Drew and Anna balloons while we were at the grocery store Saturday. Drew's lasted all of an hour before they ran it through the fan and popped it. Anna Kate took extra care with hers as to not suffer the same fate. She apparently woke up early and decided to get herself out of her bed, she went and found her balloon (stored safely in the guest bedroom away from all ceiling fans) and decided to come get in bed with me. The banging on my head was her balloon while she was trying to climb into my bed. Silly girl! 
Propped up in my bed with her balloon!

 After breakfast we went to recycle and then to DotDot and Grandaddy's house to play outside for a little while. They were riding their bicycles when Grandaddy came up from the barn with the pedal tractors he bought for them before they were born. I remember thinking how long it would be before they could actually ride them. It is hard to belief that time is now. One of the tractors needs a chain and one needs some pedals so they weren't able to ride them much. They were a little dirty from being stored in the barn so DotDot got out the water hose and we had a tractor wash. Grandaddy turned Drew loose with the water hose so we were all a little wet before it was over with.
Anna Kate helping with the scrubbing.

 After lunch we headed home for naps so we could go see Daddy's band play Saturday night. Drew and Anna Kate always enjoy getting to see the band and it is nice to be able to get them out of the house.  The family that was hosting the party has several kids and there were lots of things to keep them entertained. We left the party around dark and by the time we got home, had baths, and got in bed it was pretty late. Anna Kate and Drew must have been tired from all the fun we had because they slept until 9:30 yesterday morning. It was great!
 Having fun riding the tricycle.
 Diggers, dump trucks, and a sand box. Drew parked himself in that spot as soon as he discovered this gold mine and didn't move for the rest of the night. He was in heaven!

For some reason Monday morning I was feeling ambitious and decided we were going to work on potty training. After they had been up for about 15 minutes, all of ambition was gone and I was ready to declare they would just wear diapers forever. DotDot shared that candy rewards for going potty worked well for Ashley and me so I bought some M&Ms at the store Saturday. That was the worst.idea.ever. I told them the plan and Drew was first up on the potty after getting out of bed. He didn't do any business but was still determined he needed candy. While arguing with him, Anna Kate got on the potty and went. She got candy. Drew still didn't. And he was mad! Anna Kate decided she wanted candy for breakfast. I explained to them no less than 200 times that you only get candy if you go potty. They eventually got the point and you can guess what happened next, right? We had a revolving door of on the potty, wash hands, the next one on the potty.... for the next TWO hours. I did get them to take a little break in between bathroom breaks to eat a cereal bar but back to the bathroom we promptly went. I finally was able to distract them and get them go to the living room to play some. Anna Kate wore only panties all morning. Drew was quite resistant to no diapers and wanted to wear his underwear over his diaper for most of the morning (he also his Crocs and some ankle socks. He was a site!). He did keep his diaper dry though and after a successful potty break and some M&Ms decided just the underwear would be okay. Anna Kate had one very small accident while watching Barney but otherwise, they both did wonderful and wore underwear all morning and afternoon until they went down for naps. 
She may want to strangle me for this one day but this is what our Monday morning looked like.

After naps we packed up and headed to Tami's house for a cook out. The food was great and there was great company too. Mamaw and Papaw brought Drew and Anna Kate's bikes and they rode them most of the evening. This was the first time they have been able to ride them outside of the house and they are getting really good at riding them by themselves! Anna Kate is quite speedy and has no concept of her break. Drew hoped right on his without any fear and ended up having a wreck and skinning his elbow. After that he was much more cautious.
Cute little biker babies.
 Fortunately, they love their helmets and want to wear them. I'm thinking they may need elbow, knee, and wrist guards too! Especially Anna Kate who seems to have a little too much confidence. I have a feeling after her first wreck, it may be a different story.
Playing tractors with Daddy and a new friend.  Our potty training from the morning must have stuck with them because they both asked to potty while we were at Tami's (they were Pull-Ups and didn't stay dry though so we still have some work to do). After a successful potty break, they came outside and announced what they had done and everyone clapped and gave them high fives. They loved it! I have decided to ditch the candy and just give lots of praise and encouragement. Hopefully, it will be just as effective and won't have us running to the bathroom every 2 minutes for a dribble so they can have a M&M!

This weekend was a great way to kick off the summer. Drew and Anna Kate love to spend time outside and I am excited about some of the fun things we have planned for the summer. We are going to start moving out of our house next weekend so this was one of our last weekends living there. As much as I have wanted a new house, I am kind of sad to be leaving. The house we live in now was Drew and Anna Kate's first house (it was also mine and John Clay's first house together). I know we are going to be moving to one that is better for our family and I know they aren't even going to remember this one but I am still sad none-the-less.  It is definitely going to be a bittersweet experience.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On an adventure!

This past Friday, John Clay's band played in Pigeon Forge. It was for an annual car show and his band has played there every year for the past 4 or so years. It is a good place to take Anna Kate and Drew because it has a very family friendly atmosphere.  We planned for Mamaw Katherine and Papaw Hubert to bring Anna Kate and Drew up after they got up from their naps and I would leave work a little early and just meet them there.  There is a kiddie adventure land not too far from the hotel the band was playing at so we decided to meet there and let Anna Kate and Drew play for a bit before going to dinner then to see the band. They got in two rides before the sky opened up and it poured. Luckily, the rain passed pretty quickly and they got the rides dried off and opened back up. Drew loved them all. I was a little worried about how he would feel about the very spinny rides but he seemed to like those too. Anna Kate wasn't so in to the rides that we couldn't ride with her. We did talk into riding the spinny boats with Drew but they made it around about three times before she was in full out tears so they were gracious enough to stop the ride and let her get off. So, her adventure was limited to the train and the merry-go-round. I think they had a great time and in the future if we go to a theme park, Drew can ride with his roller coaster lovin' Daddy and Anna Kate and I will watch. Drew loved it all and told us that those rides "made my busy". I think he means dizzy! :)

 Cheesin' on the train!
 There was a train bell they would ring every time we came back around and Drew was really concerned with the train bell and making sure they were going to ring it!
 Riding the swings. Anna Kate got on these but wanted me to "push her". I guess she didn't quite get the concept. When she figured out that wasn't what was going to happen, she wanted off.
 These were the most "spinny" of all the rides and he loved it. We could tell he was getting dizzy because he would roll his head around and around. Haha! These were the boats Anna Kate rode for about 5 seconds and then decided they weren't for her.
 She did find a spot she liked on the carousel. She made Papaw Hubert ride this ride with her two times in a row. I think he got pretty "busy" himself.
 Our trip was complete when Drew got to ride in the "digger".
Anna Kate really liked the hoppy kangaroo too!

After we left we had a quick dinner then on to see the band. The car show is put on by Bubba's parents so April, Bubba, Kylie, and Ty were there.  Anna Kate and Drew danced and ran the rest of the night. They were worn out and were asleep in the car before we made it out of Pigeon Forge. I think its safe to say they enjoyed their "adventure" and would be more than happy to do it again!
 Dancing with Kylie. I have this same picture from last year. Fun to see how they grow!
 Getting down!
Kylie sang Wagon Wheel with the band and did an awesome job. Drew wanted to make sure he was front and center for her performance. They both loved dancing with band and Drew was just itching to get up on stage with Papaw Tim and help him sing and play his guitar. He also found his way to the back to help Daddy with his drums.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Trains, Bicycles, and Mother's Day

This weekend was gone before I even turned around good.  Our two days filled up in a flash and I got nothing that was originally on my list of things to do done. But that is quite alright because we had fun instead!
There was an arts and crafts show in the shopping center where Grandaddy's office is this weekend and he had his tractors there on display. After Drew and Anna Kate got up Saturday morning we went to check it out.  DotDot met us there so we decided to also have some breakfast.  We have been very busy and Drew and Anna Kate have been staying up way too late so it was 9:30 before they even woke up Saturday morning. By the time we got there and visited briefly with Grandaddy before heading across the parking lot to Drew and Anna Kate's regular breakfast spot* it was 11:00!  You can deliver my Mother of the Year award later.  I think they could probably go a few days without eating and not care so they didn't notice at all. After we ate we went back to see the tractors. Grandaddy also had a little gem that he has been holding out on us! He has train cars to pull behind his small tractor. Drew hopped right in and went for  ride. Anna Kate had to watch him go first to make sure it was going to be okay. After Drew's first round she decided it would be okay for her too. They loved it! They took several rides around the parking lot and then took a little break. The line for rides got kind of long so we went to run a few errands before coming back for one last ride and then home for naps.
 Loving it!
 They think the "train" is the best thing ever. We have requested it for their birthday party in August!
Sweet picture of Drew and Anna Kate with their DotDot and Grandaddy!

*Midland Restaurant is right across the parking lot from my Dad's office. You could probably count on your hands the number of days over the last 30 years that he has NOT eaten breakfast there. I am pretty sure I have called there in the morning before and he is the one who answered the phone! A few months ago, Hubert and Katherine decided they would start taking Drew and Anna Kate to eat breakfast on the days that they kept them and that is where they decided to go. They have stolen their Grandaddy's limelight and  come right in and act like they own the place! They love it and apparently eat an adult size portion of food which is huge for them considering they don't eat much of anything.

Sunday was Mother's Day so we left for DotDot and Grandaddy's a little early for lunch so Aunt Ashley and I could cook for DotDot.  The weather was chilly but sunny and nice so we spent a lot of time outside. Last week I got Anna Kate a new tricycle to keep there and it has quickly become her favorite thing. They already had the one that was Aunt Ashley's and mine when we were little and they have both been riding it for a couple of weeks now but it a little big for Anna plus they had to share. "Uncle Norma" and Uncle Papaw joined us for lunch. After what was supposed to a nap that Drew and Anna Kate decided to skip, we went to Mamaw & Papaw's house for dinner. Since there was no nap, they were completely exhausted by the time we made it home last night and I had to finally wake them up at 9:30 this morning so we could leave. We are going to have to work on an earlier bed time this week!
 Relaxing and watching a little Barney before leaving for DotDot and Grandaddy's. They chose to sit in this chair together. The moment was sweet but didn't last long. A few minutes after this picture I heard a thud and Anna Kate came to me crying that Drew had pushed her out of the chair. He is so rough!
 Riding like a big boy!
She loves her "bicycle" and part of the reason may be because it is pink. And because she can carry her baby in the basket. Anna Kate is truly a "girly" girl that loves anything pink and babies and pretty clothes, shoes, and jewelry. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

And another birthday!!

It seems our birthdays come in clusters. This weekend was Grandaddy's birthday celebration. It was also our second weekend in a row for nothing but rain all day, both days. Ugh! One thing the rain is good for is keeping John Clay busy mowing. So, I guess for that we should be thankful.
For some reason, I didn't get any pictures from Grandaddy's party. I haven't been good about taking pictures lately. I was also called out by Aunt Ashley yesterday for not being so on top of blogging so far this year.  So, I guess I will make this a catch up!
We have been pretty busy lately. We have a contract on our house! Hopefully, everything will go well this time and we will actually get to closing! If everything goes as planned, we will close on June 14th. That is only 6 weeks away and we have lots of things on our schedule between now and then! I have never moved an entire house before so I don't really know what to expect. We hope to build a new house. We will be moving in with Mamaw Katherine and Papaw Hubert while we build. Anna Kate and Drew will be in heaven! I don't know if Hubert & Katherine realize what is about to hit them!
John Clay has been playing softball with Parks and Rec and Drew and Anna Kate are loving going to watch him play. That has been part of what is keeping us so busy and out late during the week.  But we all have fun so it is worth it!
Drew and Anna Kate are getting smarter by the day. They amaze me at the things they know. They are so observant and nothing gets by them. Anna Kate especially likes to tell stories but it seems as though a lot of her stories are just that, stories. She told me the other day after I picked her up at Hubert & Katherine's house that John Clay hit my car with his lawn mower. I asked him about it and he said he had not done such a thing. She is so funny! Their imaginations are really starting to come to life. Drew will line up his riding toys in a straight line and tell us he is "working" on them. They both have very good manners and will thank you and each other  for doing things for them or if you get them something. They also will thank you if you tell them they look beautiful/handsome and are so sweet and will hand out compliments. I wore a dress the other day and Anna Kate kept telling me how pretty I looked. Drew likes to call people "Honey" and will also tell you to be careful if he deems something you are doing to be dangerous like leaning back in a chair. I attribute that to spending lots of time with his Mamaw Katherine! :)  When the land line rings at DotDot and Grandaddy's house, they will both yell that it is a "courtesy call".  Again, they are listening! I love hearing them talk to each other and watching them play together. They have started wrestling which most times starts off as playing but ends up with someone crying so I don't love that so much. They are also very caring for one another and get quite concerned if the other gets hurt or is upset. Anna Kate fell and skinned her knee last week and DotDot said after she got her all cleaned up and they went back outside, Drew told Anna that he was sorry. She told him it wasn't his fault and he told her he was sorry anyway. Precious! They are very sweet and affectionate kids that love life and have a great time doing anything. Everything is so new and exciting to them and I love getting to experience it with them.  They may drive me crazy sometimes but I love those little boogers so much I am okay with being crazy.
 Pretty girl! She got herself all dressed up after baths the other night.
 Its kind of blurry but Drew took all of his cars and strategically lined them up. He seems to like lining things up these days. John Clay says that is something he gets from me.
 Having fun at the ballpark. Anna Kate was talking to Helen and was rambling on and on about something. I am sure Helen didn't understand a word of it. Haha!
Watching a little Barney. They kept trying to put their chairs in front of each other.