
Monday, February 4, 2013

Snow again!

I haven't gotten off to a good start with my blogging for 2013.  I haven't had much to report. It has been rainy, cold, snowy, icy, and we had a couple of days of 70 degree weather and thunderstorms.  Crazy!  January felt like the longest month ever! The buyer for our house didn't work out so we are once again trying to sell. Hopefully someone will come along soon. We are running our of room at our house quickly!
I was folding up some laundry on Saturday when I looked up and saw that it was snowing! It was coming down pretty hard and when I told Anna Kate and Drew about it they ran over to the door and just stood there "ooo-ing and ahh-ing" over it. So, I dropped the laundry and we bundled up to go out and play! There wasn't any real accumulation, enough to cover the deck and a little on the grass but we had a good time.  They ran in circles like little crazy people and then turned their attention to the swing set.  We have put up the swings for the winter so there isn't much to do there. Drew climbed up and was headed down the slide before I realized it. The little bit of snow that was on there got packed down and turned icy after his first trip down. And then the real fun began.  We had a revolving door of climbing up then flying down the slide. They were coming down so fast they would shoot off of the end and land a couple of feet away from the bottom of the slide. I caught them until my un-gloved hands couldn't handle it any more. I had to literally carry them both in. They were not done with all the snow fun. I'm pretty over winter but I am still holding out hope we will get that one good snow that we can go out and sled in before Spring arrives.
 It's snowing! Anna Kate was apparently planning to just let herself out!
 Trying to climb on the swing set.  It kind of looks like the windy is blowing her away!
Cheesin' before heading down the chute! Then my phone died so these were the best I got.

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