
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rain, Rain, Rain

And more rain.  That is all it has done for the past several days. There is standing water everywhere and schools are closed because of flooding.  The bright side is that there does seem to be an end in sight. Although, after the rain ends they are calling for snow tomorrow. I'm not going to lie I am little excited about some snow! Drew and Anna Kate are ready and fully equipped should it happen. Thanks to DotDot, who got them snow boots and snow suits for Christmas. I hope they will at least get to use them a time or two this year.
Below is a video I took of Drew last night.  Sometimes he says things that are as "country as cornbread". :) He also refers to his body parts as "the ____".  He will run through the house, intentionally fall down, then yell, "I hurt the knee, I hurt the knee!". Strange little guy! We still can't figure out why he does this!
Ashwey didn't ainser so Drew could tell her that he hurt tha knee. All while Anna Kate pops a heewie (wheelie) on her truck (listen for it in the background). So much awesomeness in one video. Hahaha! (And just in case you are wondering, he is telling "Drew" that he hurt "the knee" because I had my camera turned on reverse so he was watching himself while I was making the video.)
And I can't leave my girl out of a post! It seems we may have a little hoarder.  Do you see the mess around them?  She specifically gathered all of these things to go sit with John Clay. She tried piling it all in the chair on top of him but he wouldn't let her. She will also usually try to take a number of things with her to bed, to the bathtub, or with her when we leave. Her clutter free mama is going to have to work on her!

Crossing my fingers that my next post will be about a snow day! Apparently, I am still 5 on the inside. :)

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