
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sick... AGAIN!

So, we're going for round number two on the silly cold that plagued us a couple of weeks ago.  This time, John Clay and I decided to join in on the fun too.  It's great...
I decided to take them to the doctor yesterday just to make sure there wasn't something more serious to be worried about and she confirmed that is was an upper respiratory virus (AKA... a cold! I think she wanted me to feel like I got more out of our $80 visit than it was a cold!) and that we there really wasn't anything to do for them other than what we have been. Again, it's great.  I guess I will again say that I am so very thankful it is only a cold and not something more serious but I feel bad for my little sweeties. I hope they can kick it quickly and stay well for the rest of the winter!
Since they were both a little under the weather this weekend, there is nothing fun or exciting to report.  We even had to skip out on Price's birthday party on Sunday. I hate we had to miss it but fortunately for me, they had no idea. That won't last much longer!

Grandaddy took Drew for a lawn mower ride last Friday.  DotDot has been a champ and has been pulling double duty while Mamaw Katherine & Papaw Hubert have been working early voting.  They have been loving all the time they get to spend with her but I know she is tired.
 Pretty girl (who's hair is getting way long and turning lighter!)!
My creative one (who loves his hat from Nanny Norma & Uncle Papaw).  He is a little obsessed with "big trucks" right now.  He is also quite obsessed with hauling things. He will try to hook anything up to his tractor when he rides it or his small truck and tractor. Saturday night, he wanted to pull a golf club behind his bicycle.  He has also been building a "big truck" with what I assume is a trailer with is legos. He's got quite the imagination. And maybe a future in tow truck driving! :)
Here's hoping they get much better for all for the Halloween festivities tomorrow and that Anna Kate (and me!) can get some rest tonight. She coughed all night last night and was exhausted this morning.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Flu shot & twin bond

Drew and Anna Kate got the dreaded flu shot this morning. We got in and out of there pretty quickly. Drew went first and did cry as soon as they stuck the needle in but after some hugs and an Elmo sticker, his tears dried up and he was good to go. Anna Kate went next and didn't even flinch when she stuck the needle in. But after it was out and we were talking about how it was over, that bottom lip poked out, and tears welled up in her sweet little eyes.  She was trying so hard not to cry, bless her little heart.  She got an Elmo sticker as well but it really wasn't much consolation. She kept pointing back toward the front so I figured she wanted DotDot (She always has to go for things like this. You need two sets of loving arms when babies are upset over shots!). As soon as we got up there she went straight for Drew. And gave him a big ole' hug. And then they were both fine. Melt my heart!
They went to breakfast at Midland afterward with DotDot and Grandaddy and Mimi Jo met them there as well. I guess if you have to get a shot, that is the best way to follow it up!

I didn't get any pictures of the precious hug but I did get this gem before they headed off to breakfast.  Hayes came over to play with Anna Kate and Drew last Tuesday and was able to share his love of a good hat with my two.  Good thing because they both have hats that go with their Halloween costume and we really wanted them to wear them.  So, off they went to their favorite breakfast spot with their hats, their monies (that they got by raiding my purse while we waited on shots), and some of their favorite people!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cades Cove

We took full advantage of the amazing weather today and spent the afternoon in Cades Cove. We went last year around this time and Drew and Anna Kate had lots of fun. I knew they would enjoy going again this year. Mamaw Katherine & Papaw Hubert went with us.  We even managed to get ahead of the crowd!

 He kept hanging his head out the window and screaming "Come here turkeys!". If there were any around, it is certain they headed in the other direction!
 The Fall colors are always very pretty but they were very muted this year. Even still, my pictures didn't do it justice.
 "You talkin' to me?"
 She raided her Mamaw's purse and of course, had to find "monies".
 I had someone hanging over my shoulder. He was (actually they both were) dying to drive.
Ha! He needs a hair cut in a bad way!
 We stopped at the halfway point for a picnic and to check out the mill. I think she liked her Subway sandwich.
 He dissected his but still liked it.
 We stopped to see what the blacksmith was doing.
 Then we went to the mill. 
 Trying hard to get them to sit for a picture together. Anna Kate wasn't feeling the love.
 Checking out the water wheel.
 Self proclaimed "stinker pots".
 One of the pictures I promised of their back with a pretty background.
 Into something he isn't supposed to be. 
 I finally got one because I was really far away and she didn't even know I was taking a picture.
 Definitely not a see-saw!
 Lining up for a race. All they really wanted to do was run.
 This one is framable.
 Big 'ole feet
 The story behind this picture is hilarious. Drew kept unlocking the door and opening it. We told him not to do that because sis would fall out. So, every time he would reach for the door handle, Anna Kate would yell "No Dew (that is the way she says his name & it is adorable)! Sissy fall out!". He managed to get a hand on the door handle again and this was her reaction. I have not idea how I got this picture and manage to keep the door closed. I guess I'm just good like that!
 I'm pretty sure I have a very similar picture from last year.  Like I said, they were dying to get in the driver's seat.
 Pretty views on the way out.
Drew needed to take some measurements while we sat in traffic leaving the park.
We had a wonderful day enjoying the mountains! I hope we will be able to do it more as they get older.

Workin' hard for the money

We came up short on the babysitter list on Friday so I got to take the day off and spend it with my cuties!  Well, I sort of had the day off. I still had to go in and cut checks so after breakfast I loaded them up and off we went to "Mommy's work". They "helped" me finish typing in the checks and print them out. They were really good while we are there although they did get very interested in the steps before we left. We did manage to make it out of there without anyone falling down the steps and without any near accidents with the cars and buses that fly through Downtown so I call that a success!  From work we went to Sam's, the bank, by Chick-fil-A for some lunch, and then home. They were about an hour late going down for their nap but I think they enjoyed running around with me. I know I enjoyed spending time with them. I sure do miss having Wednesdays off.
 I didn't get any pictures of them at my office but I did put them to work again this morning.  I cleaned out our filing cabinet and they "helped" me shred some things.
 At Sam's getting Jake & Gracie some food.  This is the first time I have taken them both grocery shopping alone. They were so good! I wish Walmart had double buggies because I would probably take them more often.
They found some things they needed while we were there. (And yes, Drew is wearing his sunglasses. I took them off of him several times but he kept putting them back on.)  Anna Kate picked out a new baby and Drew picked out a remote controlled fire truck. We did leave with them but I had a plan. I figured I'd put them in the back and they would forget about them and then we could give them to them for Christmas.  Well, my girl has a good memory. I had to wrestle it away from her to put it in the car. Then most of the way home she talked about it. She even took her sippy cup and threw it behind her and said "here baby". I guess she thought she needed a drink on our long trip home.  She went to the back of the car and wanted her baby again when we got home but I was able to distract her with some lemonade and a nicely timed garbage truck that drove by.  She even mentioned her again when she got up from her nap but I just kind of ignored it. She hasn't said anything since. I think it's safe to say my plan (narrowly) worked and the new toys will make a re-appearance in December. I know my days of getting by with things like that are very numbered!   And just for the record, Drew handed his fire truck over before getting in the car and never said another word about it. It is funny how different they are. 
We have a trip to Cades Cove planned for tomorrow so get ready for lots of pictures of their backs as they run away from mewith some pretty mountain backdrops!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"You have to put that on the blog..."

"You have to put that on the blog so you never forget it!"  That was Ashley's response to the story I told her about our drop off at school today. So... here it is!

I believe it is time to start potty training Drew and Anna Kate.  They like to go to the potty, have started telling us when they use the bathroom, and sometimes will even tell us that they have to go.  They also have become very interested in what it is that they have done and will ask to see their diaper.  Gross, I know! The last couple of mornings when I have gotten Drew up he has had a dirty diaper. He will say "I see it, I see it!" but not really quite that clear. It comes out sounding like he says "I shee-it, I shee-it!" (do you see the issue?!).  Well, I was a little nervous that he would do the same thing at school when they changed him, and I didn't want them thinking my two year old was cussing at them. So, as much as I didn't want to, I told the teacher when I dropped them off that he was not yelling bad words, he just wanted to check things out. (By the way, Anna Kate is guilty of doing the same thing. I don't want to only pin this lovely habit on Drew.)  While I was full disclosure mode, I wanted to go ahead and clear up something else he or Anna Kate may have thrown out there. While they were sick, they decided they didn't want to blow their noses anymore. So, when their nose was running, we would tell them that they either had to blow it or we would suck it out with the bulb, which they used to not like.  Their response to this became "suck it!".  And eventually, when their nose would start running, they would simply come to us and say "suck it!".  So, during my awkward conversation with their teacher yesterday morning I said, "Oh, and if they tell you to suck it, they aren't being ugly, they just need their nose wiped". She was almost in tears by this point. As much as I dreaded having to have this conversation, I was even more worried that they would think we were teaching our toddlers these terrible things to say.  So there it is. And to 20 year old Drew and Anna Kate one day... see what your mother had to do for you?!

I met John Clay and the kids at the park yesterday after work for a picnic and some play time. The weather was too nice to pass up.  Here are some pictures.

  Arby's for dinner. I'm pretty sure all they ate were fries.
 The elephant!
Drew's turn!

Oh, that tongue! She always has it out. I'm not sure what she is trying to catch.
 I tried and tried to get them to go down side by side but they refused.
Running away from us. They heard us mention it was time to go home and they obviously weren't ready. 
The big slide! She was a little nervous but could not be outdone by Drew, who marched up there and went right down.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Festival!

Drew and Anna Kate attended the Foothills Fall Festival for the third year on Sunday. Much like Mamaw & Papaw's Fish Fry, it is crazy how much has changed over the last three years.  When we arrived, we went straight to find Grandaddy who had his tractor and corn shellers on display.  They were so excited to see him and Drew was really excited to see "his tractor".  After spending some time with Grandaddy, we made our way down to the kid's play area.  There are tons of things to do but most of activities are for kids that are a little older than Anna Kate and Drew.  There is a tiny tots land with plastic slides, play houses, kitchens, etc... We went there first and they played there for quite some time.  There were tons of other kids in there.  There was also a small merry-go-round that they rode several times. While were there, Megan found us.  It took some convincing but we finally got them to leave and see what else we could find.  Next we went to the gymnastics area.  They have not done gymnastics and did not know what they were supposed to be doing. They finally made their way through with help from Aunt Ashley and Megan.  After gymnastics, we found some bouncy horses for them to "ride" on.  Even though they were a little small for them, they really thought they were fun. Uncle Aaron found us there and he played for a little while too.  We had quite a walk to get back to the car and it was already an hour and a half into nap time so we decided to make our way back to Grandaddy to tell him bye.  DotDot got us some ice cream so we had a little snack while we visited with Grandaddy and then headed home. They were so very tired. Drew fell asleep on the way home so we let him sleep in the car for about 45 minutes. Anna Kate put up a good fight to stay awake but finally gave out when she sat down in my lap to watch Barney.  They both got about an hour cat nap and woke up in a good mood.  We had dinner with DotDot, Grandaddy, and Aunt Ashley then went home and went to bed.  It was such a busy weekend but so much fun!

 Driving "his" tractor
 Miss Priss did not want to have her picture taken
 Making corn meal with Grandaddy
 Getting a closer look
 Having so much fun
 Riding the merry-go-round. For some reason, she wanted to hold his hand.
 Mr. Serious with his crooked sunglasses
 Fun fun!
 She loved the horse after she figured out what to do with it
Blurry but hilarious picture. He was having fun!
Sitting on Grandaddy's tractor
 Giving some kid the stink eye. He loved seeing his tractor there. He did not love all of the other kids that wanted to sit on his tractor.
 Trying to make their way through the gymnastics obstacle course.
We love Aunt Ash!
Sweet girl was so tired.
Cuddling with my sleepy babies. They never do this. They must have been really tired!
Playing a little golf with Grandaddy before we went home.
What a difference a year makes.....
 October 2010
 October 2011
October 2012
The only thing that doesn't seem to change.... how uncooperative they all (including Grandaddy!) are when it comes to taking pictures! :)