
Saturday, June 16, 2012


Anna Kate and Drew got to spend a little one on one time with their mommy and daddy today!  I can only count 3 times that they have ever been separated.  All three times were for doctor appointments and were really too young to understand.  I needed to go to the grocery store and the bank this morning and John Clay needed to go to Guitar Center.  So, we just decided that if he took one and I took the other, we could accomplish what we needed to.  It was different to only have one child with you and so much easier! Even though it was easy, I would never trade the multiple trips to and from the car, having to have a stroller to go anywhere, the need for a strategic/logistical plan at all times, etc... for anything in this world!
 Drew all loaded up in the truck and ready to go.  John Clay said he didn't make a peep the entire way to and from Knoxville.  He said as soon as they walked in the door at Guitar Center, he could see his wheels turning just trying to take it all in.  They just walked around and checked out the guitars and DJ equipment/lighting first.  Then, they hit the mother load in the drum room (or the "boom room" as Drew called it).  John Clay said he loved sitting on the drum thrones and hitting the drums and cymbals. I don't know who had more fun!
Anna Kate got to ride in the middle and see out the front windshield. When we first got started, she kept pointing to Drew's side of the car and saying "Uh Oh, Uh Oh". I'm pretty sure she was worried we forgot him.  We started our trip at Walmart.  Anna Kate saw some ballons and got really excited about them so guess what she came home with?! :)  She was very well behaved but got a little put-out when I wouldn't let her have the "moes" (what she calls tomatoes) that I put in our cart. We had quite the surprise and ran into Grandaddy while we were there. We got all we needed there and headed to the bank next.  We made it home about 5 minutes before Drew and Daddy and just in time for lunch and a nap!
All in all, I would say our solo trips were a success.  We were a little nervous about how they would react to being apart but they did great.  We want to try to do one on one outings with they often.  I'm sure they will love some undivided attention. 
After naps we ran out the door for Father's Day celebrations with the Garners and then with Grandaddy but I'll save those for another post.

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