
Monday, April 30, 2012

Fun weekend!

We had a fun and busy weekend!
On Saturday, we spent the day at home. Daddy got home from work early and it was nice to have him here.
 Of course, we spent the afternoon playing outside.  We played with a new fun toy that Aunt Paula got them last year.  Drew thought it was fun and kept trying to get a drink!
Anna Kate was a bit apprehensive at first but warmed up quickly. 
We did a little reading.  They were being so cute. I really hate that this picture turned out blurry. 

On Sunday, we went to Nathan's 2nd birthday party. 
Drew taking notes from his big cousins. 
Anna Kate over-seeing all those silly boys.
And of course, he had to get on the four wheeler when they got it out.  
Sassafras with her Aunt Ash.
Cake time with the birthday boy! 
Drew and DotDot sharing some yummy cake.

After the birthday party, we went to Mexican night at Tami's house.  The food and company were great!
 Drew pretending to drive in Mamaw's convertible. Its not surprising that he wanted to take the wheel.
 Jamming with Papaw!
Having fun with Uncle Aaron and Megan. Drew loves him some Megan.  Uncle Aaron better watch out!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Big personalities

My little people are in the process of developing some big personalities.  They are so very different and it is interesting to see who they are going to be.
Drew is very into mowers, trucks, etc... He loves his Daddy and calls trucks and mowers "Dada".  He always wants to be involved in yard work and he also loves the vacuum.  Hope that keeps up!

(I couldn't decide which one was better so I had to post both.)
Anna Kate likes more girly things like her clothes and shoes.  She will put on different "outfits" throughout the day and must put her shoes on as soon as she gets up in the morning.
Drew has no fear....
Anna Kate can be quite sensitive.  Her Daddy got on to her tonight for taking clothes out of her drawer and she was devastated.  She fell to the floor in a weepy mess as soon as he said "no". It took her quite some time to get calmed down. (By the way, she could care less when she gets in trouble with me!)

 As different as my little peanuts are, they sure do make a good pair.  Yes, the fight some but they definitely love each other. Anna Kate has taken a "motherly" roll and wants to make sure Drew is taken care of and is always very good to share with him.  They get very concerned when the other is crying and often will offer to share their paci or lovey.  They have started wanting to tell each other good night now.  Since they don't give kisses, (remember, they just bow their heads so you can kiss them on the head) it is more like a good night bump but they insist that they do it before going to sleep.  It is pretty precious.
 Anna Kate was "reading" to Drew even though it looks like he isn't listening.  This picture is again a good example of their personality differences.  Drew has his bat, Anna Kate has her book. Thats a pretty common site at our house.
Anna Kate gave Drew a push. If I remember correctly, they were fighting over this toy just a few minutes before I took this pic.  Their spats usually don't last long.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We're on a roll....

Fresh off of Anna Kate splitting her cheek open last Friday, I got to make my very first phone call to Poison Control today.  Apparently, Drew is a little taller than I gave him credit for and was able to reach the drawer that I keep their sunscreen in.  They were playing very nicely after breakfast so I went to the kitchen to clean up. As I was finishing up, I realized they were very quiet. Bad news! Always!! I found them both with little white mouths and Drew holding the sunscreen bottle with the lid in his hand.  The bottle was still quite full so I wasn't super worried but because the bottle told me to, I called Poison Control. I was assured that it wasn't something to worry too much over.  And like with the black eye and busted cheek, I am afraid that this may not be the last time something like this will occur. Boy, those two sure know how to keep me on my toes.
And because I post isn't fun without any pictures.....
 They are quickly outgrowing their infant towels so I bought them some new, bigger toddler towels last week. I think it is safe to say Anna Kate likes hers!
 What a mischievous grin!
Geez! This child will put anything in her mouth. Even a sock. At least it was clean....

Saturday, April 14, 2012


The first shiner award goes to Miss Anna Kate.  Poor little girl fell off of the chair and hit her face on the end table yesterday.  She got a nice little cut and bruise on her check and has a little black eye.  She doesn't seem to bothered by it and hopefully, it won't scar.  And as DotDot says, as much as they climb, I am sure this isn't the last time something like this will happen.  This mama's heart is going to have to get a little stronger because it makes my heart hurt to see my babies hurt.

 Oh Drew... He was up to no good (taking clothes out of his drawer) and got himself in a little bit of a pickle.
 Oh Drew.... He has starting picking at Anna Kate. If she's laying in the floor he immediately will sit on her. 
 Oh Anna.... Notice what is at the bottom left corner? That would be her diaper.  That's her new thing. Taking her diaper off.  Great.
 Drew & Anna Kate got a bubble blowing mower for Easter from their Papaw Tim and played with it for the first time this afternoon.  My little engineer assessed it and wanted to know how it worked.
 My little free spirit just wanted to chase the bubbles.  They make a good pair.
 Getting a closer look.
 Haha! She either had her mouth open or her tongue out while she was chasing them.
 The shiner. It actually is already looking better than it did yesterday.
Miss Hollywood got some new glasses.  They are a little big but she loves them and I think they're adorable.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter 2012 was one of the best ones yet!  We had family get-togethers Saturday and Sunday and had a great time.  I am too tired from all the fun to try to come up with anything clever to write so this post will be heavy on pictures and light on words!

Saturday night we had dinner and family time with the Jones' at DotDot & Grandaddy's house......
 Some of the Easter crowd at DotDot & Grandaddy's on Saturday. Drew & Anna Kate had lots of fun playing with their cousins.
 Drew went awol again during the Easter Egg Hunt and decided Price's t-ball equipment was more fun.
 Anna Kate was all about the Egg Hunt!
 "Hey!  There's candy in this one!"
 Helping Grandaddy water his blackberry plants
 My little bunnies.

Sunday after church we had lunch and family time with the Garland's at Aunt Teresa's house...
 The best picture I was able to manage of them in their church Easter outfits.
 Pretty girl!
 Handsome (but very sleepy) little man
 What more does a boy need than his dad and a baseball bat?!?!
Cousin Eli snuck Drew his first taste of Mountain Dew. He loved it!
They had lots of room to roam at Aunt Teresa's house.  They had so much fun, they stayed up 2 hours past their nap time. They were exhausted!
 Drew had a rough go of it with the driveway at DotDot and Grandaddy's on Saturday.  He fell and skinned his knees and then fell and skinned them again on the way inside! Poor bubba!
 "Hey!"  He is so sweet!
 Playing in the bushes.  Again, with a very sleepy Drew.  Poor guy.
All clean and sharing the sibling love.  They got on the stool by themselves and Drew hugged her without prompting.  Anna Kate wasn't sure she loved the squeeze but it was still a sweet moment.

Happy Easter to all and to all a good night!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Challenging is how I will lovingly choose to describe my children today.  They were whiny and mischievous.  It is a good thing they are so darn cute.  Anna Kate is getting FOUR new teeth and Drew is getting his second set of molars so they haven't been in the best of spirits.  I will be happy when teething is over with.  I guess we have been lucky that it hasn't been too terrible, it just causes some fussiness and sleeplessness.  I think we are on the downhill slide though. After his molars, Drew should be done for a while and Anna Kate will be done after these four and her next two molars. YAY!
When I was finally able to wrangle my pant leg our of their clingy, whiny fists to make their dinner, they actually went to play quietly on their own. It was nice to have a few minutes to myself to make their food without one or both of them standing at the gate screaming.  I should have known that the quiet was bad news.  After dinner, I discovered what they had been up to.
They took every last piece of clothing out of their drawers. Then they rolled around in it.  Notice neither of them would look at me?  After I got on to them, they wouldn't even look in my direction.  I guess they thought if they didn't make eye contact, I would be convinced that they didn't know how that mess happened.
There were moments of sweetness.  Here we are at snack time.  How could you be grumpy if you have juice and animal crackers?
I have said before how Anna Kate loves her snacks.  See the joy in her face?