
Saturday, March 3, 2012

In like a lion....

We spent Wednesday evening and the better part of Friday glued to weather alerts and close to our battery powered radio and flashlights.  A couple of strong storms came through Wednesday night and on Friday, they came through one after another all day until late into the night.  We were super lucky and managed to miss the worst parts but there were a few scary moments.  It has been nice that it has been so warm lately (there were several days this week that it got into the 70s) but with that has come these bad storms.  I hope this wasn't any indication of how this Spring will be.  Storms were much less stressful before I had kids. Although, they aren't bothered by any of it.  And since we didn't lose power, they weren't disrupted by our TV being out. They may not watch TV but they insist that it is on at all times.  Anyhow, here's hoping that the old adage is true.... and that since March came in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.
And two totally unrelated pictures......
 Cool kids
Drew and Anna Kate are starting to have more of an opinion about what they are going to wear.  This morning they put together some pretty interesting outfits.  Anna Kate is wearing some of Drew's old PJs from last summer (remember, it has been hot and we don't have Spring/Summer PJs yet), her bathing suit top from last year (that I was a little worried I wouldn't get off of her), her slipper socks, and Crocs.  Drew went for his monkey back pack (it is definitely becoming one his favorites), blue and orange striped socks, and his Crocs.  

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