
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We love Wednesday!

Today was Wednesday so that meant we got to hang out at home all day!  I consider it such a blessing that I have been able to stay at home on Wednesdays since going back to work from maternity leave.  As an added bonus, John Clay usually gets to be home with us during the winter months also.  We hardly ever do anything special or exciting but we get to spend lots of time together and that is as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned.  So this is a little of what our Wednesdays look like.....
We watched and danced with Ellen.  Anna Kate and Drew could care less about cartoons but love, love Ellen and Wheel of Fortune (we did catch The Wheel this evening).  They will dance every time Ellen dances and clap every time they spin the wheel on Wheel of Fortune.  They have some impressive dance moves and it is usually hilarious!
We tried to get out as many toys as possible.  There was a time not too long ago that this would have given me a panic attack.  As time goes on, I find myself letting things go that I never would have before.  Don't get me wrong, as soon as they are in their beds for naps or the night, the first thing I do is pick everything back up, but I have realized it is useless to try and pick up while they are up.  We desperately need a play room for the absurd amount of toys we have!
It isn't always bliss around here.  This is a very tired Drew who also has a little cold and is cutting F.O.U.R!!! teeth.  Poor little guy just needed a nap!  He is getting good at those toddler tantrums.  Just before I could get my camera for this picture, he threw himself on the floor and started banging his head.  Silly boy! 

We read.  Both kids love to read but Anna Kate especially loves it. She will dig until she finds just the right book, then will come back right up and plop into your lap.  She usually doesn't give you time to read an entire page before moving to the next one but she does like looking at pictures.  She will make the animal noises if she sees any she knows on the pages.  She added the noise a snake makes today to her repertoire.  She can now tell you what a dog, cat, cow, bear, snake, and sometimes duck and chick say.  She also can say HoHoHo for Santa. Ha!

They stole the remote any chance they got.  They have such a fascination with the remote and will steal it if they can get to it.  Anna Kate had just lifted it off of the table in this picture.  They know that they can change things on the TV with it.  We have tried to trick them by giving them a remote without batteries but they are too smart and know the difference.  Drew has even ordered pay-per-view movies at DotDot and Grandaddy's on a couple of occasions.

So, our day in a nutshell may not have been very exciting or glamorous but we had fun and I wouldn't trade being able to be home on Wednesdays for anything in this world!

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