For future reference for my children (who I am sure are going to love and cherish this blog for many years), the title of this blog post is an especially awesome Will Smith song from the 90s. Look it up and I'm sure you'll love it too! I'm sorry the music of your generation is not as good as the 90s!
We are getting in to the groove of summertime and loving it. Summer has always been my favorite season. As I have gotten older, I have also found a love for the Fall but the kid in me still loves Summer. I am sure that love will only get bigger once my kids start school. We are getting closer to starting on the construction of our house and otherwise, have just been keeping busy. I think this summer is going to be full of lots of work for everyone but I hope we are able to cram some fun stuff in there too!
These pictures aren't related to each other but some from the last couple of weeks that I just like.
I needed to run an errand at Hobby Lobby a couple of weekends ago and felt brave enough to take Drew & Anna Kate with me. They really were well behaved. Anna Kate found a couple of things she thought she needed. For some reason she was cracking me up. For the record, we did not buy any of the things she has in her hands as it was all too old for her. But please don't think I got out of there without having to buy them something! I'm not that good!
Do you see a theme?! I have a fear that Anna Kate is going to grow up to be a hoarder. This is the exact opposite from her mother who will throw away anything that sits still long enough. These were the items she felt she needed to take with her to DotDot's house one morning. You know, to get through the day. Every bucket was full of random items. She loves to gather things. She will gather up all kinds of toys, stuffed animals, even hair bows to take with her when she leaves, to take to bed, etc.... Just this morning it took her three trips to get her treasure trove from her bed to mine for our morning cuddles before we get up for the day.
My sweet Drew found a love for Nascar racing a couple of weeks ago. Last night he decided he needed a car to take to bed with him. I grabbed one and handed it to him when he quickly informed me that it was not a race car because it did not have numbers on the side. My mistake!
Someone has recruited her brother for dress up.
Um.... look how big this kid is! Where is my baby?! The look on his face is not one of pain but rather straining to see the truck pulling the digger that was in front of us. Its the little things that are so exciting!