
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Babies no more!

Ok, so I know they are almost 4 (What?!?! I just realized the other day that their birthday is only like 3 months away!) and haven't been babies for a while now but seriously, all signs of baby are gone! Drew & Anna Kate have turned in to tiny adults before I even realized what was happened. So maybe tiny adults is a bit of an exaggeration but they are definitely KIDS now. And they are hilarious! Frustrating at times but so much fun. They things they do and say keep us laughing all the time. I feel like I need to carry a note pad around and write down all that they say and do so I don't forget. And here a sit, ready to write it all down, and I know there are things I have already forgotten about. I will do better. And have a blog full of hilarious quotes one day. But for today, I will post pictures!

Working the crossword with Papaw. He is even sitting like a little man.
Getting "ready".  She looked like she had a black eye by the time she was done.
They both still enjoy going to gymnastics.
After bath. Aunt Ashley put her hair up in a towel like the big girls.
Drew loves him some bananas.  He usually eats at least one a day.
This pictures is a two parter. First, Anna Kate will usually put her bathing suit on a least once a day. So, that is why she is wearing a bathing suit.  She found this sleeper in some of their old clothes and PUT IT ON! It is size 0-3 months.  I cannot believe it actually fit her without cutting off blood flow. She did try putting her feet in it which didn't work out so well!
Play date with Gabby, our old neighbor.
It was rather warm a couple of Sundays ago so I told Anna Kate she and Drew could help me wash my car. She wanted to wear their bathing suits because, you know, that is what she does.  I agreed and before I was able to get my clothes changed and outside, they had drug out the pool AND starting filling it up with water.  I don't think I intended on them to swim but at this point, there was no stopping them. The water was cold but they still had fun!
Water wings and goggles may have been overkill but hey, they were entertained!
Drew was listening when we did swim lessons last year because he puts his face under water like a champ.
 Big kids went with me to vote.  There were 15 fingers in that voting booth and it seems the majority of them were pushing buttons.  Who knows what we ended up voting for.  Funny story... first of all, while I was registering Drew felt the need to show the lady that was checking us in his new tennis shoes that he is so proud of. He hiked his foot up on to that table that came just below his shoulders. Once I got him to put his foot down, he proceeded to play the drums on the table until we were done. She was probably never so happy to see someone go!  As we were leaving a very nice older gentlemen that was parked next to us waited to get into car while I buckled Drew up.  Anna Kate brought the welcoming committee and told him all about her life.  "Hi, my name is Anna Kate Garland. I'm 3. This is my brother. His name is Drew. He is 3 too.  What is your name?". That is her new greeting for most new people we come across. Aunt Ashley says we may have to work on stranger danger with her. I'm beginning to think she is right!
This is how I found Anna Kate in her bed this morning. Haha! Its not wonder her hair looks like it does when she gets up!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter with the Joneses

I think it has been determined that the Jones family just isn't meant to celebrate holidays any more! Price & Hayes were sick on Halloween so our plans were derailed. Thanksgiving worked out and then Christmas was a disaster. Easter wasn't much better. My poor little Drew started running a fever on Good Friday. He is a trooper though and acted fine besides a little tired. I took him to the clinic and they diagnosed him with a virus. Four days later and he was still running the fever so I took him back to the doctor. Turns out he has strep. I guess it was a good thing he skipped out on church Easter morning and dinner with the family. We love to share but we don't need to share that!  Since he has been sick, Anna Kate has been getting to enjoy a pseudo-life of an only child.  She got to go to church by herself with me and Mamaw & Papaw.  She also got to go to gymnastics by herself last night. She has been loving all of the one-on-one attention.  I guess Drew has been getting his share of one-on-one attention too. He spent Sunday morning with Daddy and was Grandaddy's right hand man last night while we were at gymnastics.  I would be happy to give them more solo time but definitely under different circumstances!
 Pretty little lady. Right after I took this picture a bird pooped in her hair! Haha!
 So excited Mommy was riding in the back seat with her.
 After church we went to DotDot's to spend a little time with them. Drew got to do what he loves most. Dig!
 The Easter Bunny brought bouncy balls for them. Anna Kate definitely has the hang of it.
 Drew being a big helper and gathering the eggs with Grandaddy.
 As a consolation prize for missing out on all the Easter fun, Daddy built Drew a sand box. There are few things Drew loves in this world more than playing in a sand box!
Mowing the yard. He is such a little man!

Garland family Easter

We celebrated Easter with the Garland family on Good Friday.  I was lucky enough to have Good Friday off so we started the day with an Egg Hunt at church. Drew and Anna Kate were very good and attentive during the Easter story and got enough eggs to be satisfied. They played on the church's new playground (with about a million other kids) and then we headed out.
That evening Aunt Teresa, Uncle Eugene, and Caleb came to Mamaw & Papaw's house for dinner. Drew and Anna Kate really enjoyed having everyone there and stayed up way past their bedtime playing with Aunt Teresa.
 Before the Easter story started, they got to decorate cookies and eat them. They loved that of course!
 Crazy kid! This was before the story started. I promise he really did listen!
 Found some eggs!
 She found some too!
 Playground fun.
 At a stand off to see who is going to move first!
 Aunt Teresa made Drew and Anna Kate a bunny cake!
The fishing game with Aunt Teresa

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Garner family Easter

The Garner family was up first for Easter celebration this year.  Unlike last year, the weather was perfect! We arrived a little late but got there in time for the good stuff! We were there just in time to hunt eggs and then play outside with the family.  The Garner family gets the award for the most rapid growth! Two years ago, Drew and Anna Kate were the only kids around. Now they get to share family gatherings with 5 new cousins! In addition, this is the only side of the family that has little girls for Anna Kate to play with! Everywhere else we go, its stinky ole' boys. Granny Ann sure knows how to make a holiday special and we really enjoy getting to spend time with everyone!
We had a busy day before our dinner. Drew and Anna Kate went for their Easter pictures earlier in the day. I am happy to report that the bunny and baby chicks did survive although they were probably happy to see my two go! Since they have been around chickens at DotDot and Grandaddy's they weren't scared of the chicks at all. Anna Kate obviously didn't like the way their feet felt so she kept holding them upside down by their back and Drew kept trying to pick them up by their wings.  The bunny was on his fifth or sixth session of the day and was over it. We finally got him to calm down enough to sit between them for a picture and Drew started trying to touch his eyeball! Needless to say, the bunny took off so I am not hopeful we will have sweet, wonderful pictures with Mr. Easter Bunny!
After pictures, Anna Kate got to go on a very special adventure. Mimi Jo and Whitney took her to a fund raiser that was at a salon. It was everything girl and she had a ball! she got to get her hair done and take pictures in the photo booth. She didn't get to stay long but from all accounts she had lots of fun and asked me when they would be going back when I got her in the car.
 Anna Kate getting "ready" for pictures. She ended up looking like she had a black eye! She also had on striped tights. Inside out. It will be a while before she is dressing herself.
 Smelling the flowers! These kids are some flower picking fools so I had to watch closely. After pictures we dropped by Home Depot to see Daddy.
 They will try to tell us they don't need a nap these days. I disagree.
Photo booth with Mimi Jo & Whitney!
 Anna Kate and "baby Rylee"!
 Hunting eggs. Daddy was still at work so Uncle Aaron and Granny Lisa helped out.
 Drew got distracted by this "toy".
 I threatened begged them for a picture and this was the best I could get.
 I think I tried a sneak attack and still came up empty handed.
Playing a little baseball with Uncle Aaron and Rylee.

Monday, April 7, 2014

We love dandelions!

We got to enjoy a beautiful Spring day at DotDot and Grandaddy's house yesterday! Aunt Ashley was there and we spent the entire day outside. I didn't even try to make Drew and Anna Kate take a nap.  They had so much but I know they were tired because at about 7:00 Drew said it was starting to get dark and they needed to take a bath. By 8:30 they were clean and fast asleep. They didn't even wake up when we loaded them in to the car or when we got them out and took them inside! That is what I call a good day, my friends!
We did a little skating. Anna Kate is getting pretty good.
 Drew decided to get in on the action. This was his first time really trying to skate. He did pretty good! He walked more than skated but they'll get the hang of it!
 Anna Kate requested to go on a walk. She found this field of purple wild flowers and dandelions and she was in heaven! We had just gotten back from a golf cart ride when she requested to go on a walk and I think our "stumbled upon field of flowers" was a cleverly thought out plan by my little one.
 Of course, Drew had to go potty while we were out so he watered this fence post. He asked Aunt Ashley if the "cows were going to eat his pee pee." :)
 Anna Kate was still in flower heaven and wasn't even phased by her brother's pit stop!
 Drew took care of his business and decided to join in the flower picking fun.
 Blowing on his dandelion.
 Anna Kate is a pro dandelion blower! She blew through tons of those things!
 Drew blew and blew on his and didn't make much progress so he decided to beat his off with a rock! Typical boy!
Just before dinner Grandaddy recruited his neighbor mark to help him fill in a hold in his front yard. Of course, Drew and Anna Kate needed to watch and drug Aunt Ash along to their front row seat. 
 Drew recognized that Mark's tractor looked like his and promptly went to get his so he could work too.  Cutie!
 Fresh, clean, and exhausted! 
Snuggling with Aunt Ashley! They sure do love getting to spend their Sundays with her!