So.... it seems it is finally going to happen. We are moving! It is such a mixed range of emotions. We are leaving our first home. Where we came home to after we got married, where we brought our babies home from the hospital, and where they have spent the last 3 1/2 years growing and hitting so many different milestones. When I think about it like that, I get sad and want to unpack and stay there! As sad as that is, it is also very exciting. We are going to be building a new house that will accommodate our needs so much better! As exciting as that is, it is also very intimidating and nerve-racking (do you see how this roller coaster ride of emotions is exhausting?!). We are going to be in charge of trying to a build a house, we are going to be imposing on Papaw Hubert and Mamaw Katherine's lives by living in their house while we build. I think everything will go smoothly but it is still just the unknown of it all.
To add to all of the stress and emotions of moving, Anna Kate decided last Wednesday would be a good time to get the flu! This is most serious illness she has ever had so for that, I am thankful. It seemed to be lingering so we took her back to the doctor on Monday to find she also had an ear infection (again, a first). Some antibiotics have about cleared her up and she is back to normal. When I got home from work on Tuesday, I was greeted by Drew with a yucky sounding cough so he and I went to the clinic that evening. Although his flu test was negative, they treated him for the flu. On his third day in, he seems to be doing much better. I am hoping that by the weekend, they are both 100%. John Clay and I both seem to have a head cold so that makes it even more awesome. Our plans for moving last weekend have been dragged out through this week and we hope to be completely out by tomorrow afternoon. It has been a little stressful but I see light at the end of the tunnel and I think we might survive! My to-do list feels really long and daunting over the next couple of months while trying to get our construction under way but fortunately, that is my job so I at least have an advantage.
I took last Friday off to stay home with the kids and try to limit exposure to the grandparents. I put them to work on helping me with laundry. We can call it a learning activity in matching. Notice that even when sick, Anna Kate knows the importance of dressing like the princess that she is.
Sick baby. She and I slept on couch for several nights in a row. She was hard to convince once she was better that she needed to start sleeping in her bed again.
Look what I found in the cabinet. Paci's! (and you can see our arsenal of cold & flu meds). Drew and Anna Kate also found the pacis and stuck them in their mouths right away. They weren't too hard to get back from them. It was weird throwing them away even though they haven't used them in quite some time. It was also another reminder that my babies aren't babies any more!
After Drew was pronounced sick on Tuesday, I took another day off on Wednesday to stay with them. I hoped to get a little packing done too. DotDot kindly came to our germ cesspool house to help. We did make some progress but it wasn't any thanks to Drew and Anna Kate. They were Every closet we opened to get things out to pack, they would dig around in. Anna Kate found her water wings which prompted her to change in to her bathing suit. Then they found their roller skates that I might have hidden in the back of their closet and attempted to break their necks by wearing them around the house. They also decided they only needed a 30 minute nap. How sweet they are!
Last night was the last night we will spend in our house. This has been our nightly routine since they were little. It has evolved some but after baths, we have always turned out all the lights and sat with them on the couch (either giving them their last bottle when they were babies, reading books, or watching Mickey Mouse like last night) to calm them down a bit before bed. I am sure that will remain our routine at Mamaw & Papaw's house but it won't be quite the same. Again, mixed bag of emotions over here! Haha!