
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bounce House!!

We borrowed Price and Hayes' bounce house for Drew and Anna Kate's birthday party this year and it was a big hit!  All the kids loved it, especially my two monkeys that love to jump.  When Todd told us how good of a deal it was on Ebay, John Clay and I decided we would look into getting them one.  I logged into Ebay and quickly found the one like Davis family's.  It was the same price Todd said he got theirs for a few years ago. But then..... I kept scrolling. I have quickly realized (after several purchases) that I need to stay off of Ebay! I am a sucker for a "good deal" and this is right up my alley!  A few posts down, I found IT! IT was a good deal and IT looked like so much fun. I showed IT to John Clay and we sat and rationalized why it was okay to spend a "little" extra for this one. They had so much fun in the one at their party, it was bigger so it would accommodate them and their friends for longer, their birthday is in August and we will always have outside parties so we will for sure use it for years to come....  I watched it for a few days and I finally pulled the plug. I was the only bidder and got it for its starting bid!  IT arrived yesterday.  It was hot and muggy last night so we played in it for a while but then had to come in for baths. I have no idea where we are going to store it but we'll figure those details out later. :)
 There she is... in all of her glory! They were really excited about it and got upset when we turned it off and it deflated.  I really do think it was a good investment!
 Climbing up the slide
 "This is fun stuff, Mom"
 Of course, going up the slide the wrong way.
 Playing with Daddy.  I think the big kids were as excited as the little kids!
Fun on the slide!
And on a different note.... We went for our 4th week of school today.  It was still tearful and they had to be pulled off of me when I left. We start talking about school on Tuesdays and how we are going to have so much fun with our friends and how we are not going to cry (I think I am trying to psych myself out too.... I dislike it as much as they do!). They get up on Wednesdays and get ready willing while we talk about the fact that we are going to school (Anna Kate has tried to argue with me the last two weeks and convince me that they need to go to DotDots instead of school). They recognize it and say "school...friends" when we pull in the parking lot.  They willingly and excitedly walk in and go upstairs to their classroom.  But as soon as the door opens, the tears start to flow.  I have not been able to make myself just take them in and immediately leave yet. I stay with them for a while and talk to them about how much fun they are going to have and how they aren't supposed to cry. But they still kick... and scream... and cry all the same when I leave. It is awful. I know they recover. I think Drew enjoys school and wouldn't be upset if Anna Kate weren't.  According to her teachers, she has moments throughout the day that are hard for her but she does have fun too. I really hope it gets better soon! For every one's sake!
At least they look cute while they are pitching their fits about being left at school! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Restful weekend

Our schedule has been really crazy lately (especially this past week)! Birthday parties, doctor visits, school, pictures, play date with Hayes, breakfast with Mamaw & Papaw at Midland two mornings in a row, Aunt Teresa's house twice in one week, lots of running errands around town with Mamaw & Papaw, and swimming at Helen's Friday night. Needless to say, by the time Saturday got here, we all needed an agenda with nothing on it!  Daddy even got to have the weekend off with us!
We spent Saturday around the house. I spent most of the morning working on converting the spare bedroom into a playroom for the toys that keep multiplying at our house. Drew & Anna Kate "helped" while John Clay mowed. He came in to rescue me play with them while I finished up and then made lunch.  John Clay's band played Saturday night so after Drew and Anna Kate got up for their (3 1/2 hour!!!) nap, we went to DotDot and Grandaddy's house for dinner. We ate, played outside, rode the golf cart, swang, and they got to have their very own Popsicles for dessert (usually they share one with their Daddy).  They both really liked them and ate them up quickly and without too big of a mess! I think they may be a new favorite for Drew. He kept talking about icicles yesterday. I can only assume that is what he meant.
On Sunday, we again spent the morning at the house. Saturday night after they went to bed, I put together the tool bench and cupcake kitchen Aunt Teresa got them for Christmas last year (remember, we have a "playroom" now?!). It was Christmas in August when they got up. Anna Kate was the first one up and changed. She went straight to the living room where they were set up and just stood and stared at them. Then kept running/skipping back and forth from the living room to their room while I changed Drew. I think she was waiting for him to see them because they got right in and started playing with all the parts and pieces as soon as he saw them. They spent all morning playing with their "new toys" (as they call them).  After naps (3 hours again!), we went to Aunt Teresa's (for a 3rd time this week!!) to celebrate Eli's birthday. Anna Kate and Drew always have so much fun when we go up there. There is so much room for them to run and play. We came straight home for baths and bed. They slept in this morning until 9:00!

 John Clay was going to put their kitchen and tool bench together Saturday afternoon before their nap but again, they wanted to "help" so he decided it would be easier to wait until they were asleep.
 "New toys!".  They really have enjoyed them. I had to drag them away from them this morning so we could leave to go to DotDots. They told them bye as we headed out the door! Ha!
 Drew hammering away.
 Chillin' in her chair just reading her book. Anna Kate has the resting thing down.
 If electrician or janitor don't work out, Drew may have a future as a tow truck driver. We think he came up with this on his own. He definitely gets points for creativity!
 Going to see the dogs with Eli and Papaw.
Not only is there room to roam but they also have fun toys at Aunt Teresa's! Cousin Eli took them on a four wheeler ride!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I have lots of cute pictures I have taken over the last several weeks that haven't really fit into any of my posts but I really like them.  So, this will be a post of few words and lots of cute pictures!
The flash made my pretty girl blink but this is a picture of what Anna Kate does before we leave. She grabs her purse, cell phone, and keys. She likes to be prepared!
 You know you had a good nap when you wake up with hair like this!
 Watching her Daddy back in the driveway after work.
 I got their winter coats out from last year to see if they still were going to fit them.  Good thing that they did because Anna Kate loved hers and wouldn't take it off.  It was at least 97 this day!
 Trying to figure out how to get in the laundry basket. After about 15 minutes of work (and completely holding their attention) this was as far as they got.
 The monthly measure! Drew was helping Aunt Ashley while Anna Kate was on a mission to get to the "moes" fresh from the garden!
 Drew holding court with the "moo cows". Surprisingly, he isn't afraid of them and they aren't afraid of him!
 Petting one of the cows.
 Anna Kate wasn't so sure she wanted to get that close to them. They do stink you know!
 Drew drying Anna Kate's hair. He's such a helpful brother.
 Reading with each other while I made their breakfast. They were very quiet which always makes me nervous.  When I peaked around the corner, this is what I found.
Just reading a magazine and talking on her cell phone.
What great presents! They really like getting into things like boxes and apparently gift bags will do also! Drew was reading his favorite book, Goodnight Moon.
And the best for last!!! There is a cat food commercial that has two cats meowing to the tune of a song.  Drew and Anna Kate love cats and really love that commercial. When it came on, they both went flying to the TV. We had to rewind and watch it again no less than 15 times. This is them "singing" along.  It sounds like there are about 10 kids in the room but that is just my two noisy ones!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Birthday Party take 2!

We are stretching this birthday stuff out as long as we possibly can!  We had another party to celebrate Drew and Anna Kate's 2nd birthday today at Aunt Donna's house.  Most of the Garners were there and we had lots of fun! Drew and Anna Kate had their first pizza and surprisingly, they didn't seem too crazy about it.  They ate a few bites but left most of it on their plate.  They may not be related to their daddy after all because he could live on pizza.  They did really like all the fruit and of course there was cake and ice cream which is always a big hit. After lunch there were some presents and then it was time to "wim, wim".  They actually spotted the pool from the window when we came in and were super excited when we said it was finally time to go swimming. They both started undressing themselves when I said we needed to put their bathing suits on.  When we got outside we found a new super fun toy from Pepaw and Ann. A sand and water table!! And not just any sand and water table, the deluxe version! They were a little preoccupied with the pool but they are going to LOVE it when we get it all set up with the water and sand. It has all kinds of fun toys and tools that came with it and it even has an umbrella.  They got right in the pool and swam all over like they had been doing it for years. They jumped in multiple times from the diving board and the side and had a wonderful time. They were having so much fun the swam right past their nap time (by two hours!). Before we left Drew got to take a ride on Uncle Doug's Polaris which is like Grandaddy's "go-go" on steroids.  They weren't real sure what to make of it and I think they were a little scared of it but Drew really liked it and said "fast!" when they got back.  They were completely exhausted by the time we got home and laid them down for a nap but they had an awesome time! It sure is fun to get to celebrate your birthday for a whole week!
 Always keep the monster truck nearby.
 Trying out this pizza stuff.
 Checking out Brady (the dog) with Aunt Donna and Aunt Belva
I think this picture is hysterical! I said he looks like a miniature Florida retiree! He remembered rides on Aunt Donna's scooter from the last time we were there and wanted to take it for another spin.
 Drew and Daddy playing in the pool
 Anna Kate had to get out for a juice break. She said she was cold. She said that the last time we went swimming too. My girl must be cold natured. She did swim for quite some time and had lots of fun!
My little water dog was having lots of fun and didn't want to get out.

Thanks Aunt Donna for hosting a party for us. We had so much fun!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

2 year stats

Drew and Anna Kate had their 2 year well visit today. It was at 9:30 which is a little early for us to have breakfast and get out the door dressed but we managed to do it. Not that Anna Kate and Drew tried to help me achieve this feat.  They pretty much refused to eat breakfast, I got Anna Kate dressed first, then chased Drew around the living room three times (little booger is fast!) before finally wrangling him into his room to get dressed. While I was wrestling to get his clothes and shoes on, Anna Kate decided she needed a wardrobe change and proceeded to take her shoes off and start undressing herself.  I fought with her to get her clothes back on her but she won the struggle over the shoes and wore her tennis shoes with her dress to the doctor's office.  Aunt Ashley met us there to help me (believe me, it takes at least two sets of hands to make it through an appointment with both of them). I had to call her on the way to warn her of our unfortunate outfit choice so she could prepare herself for the embarrassment. I kid! But I think today was a little glimpse into our school morning future.  They may end up with some pretty interesting ensembles once they realize that I do not have the time to argue with them! Now, onto the stats.....
Anna: Weight: 22lbs. 7oz.- 5%
            Length: 34 1/4" - 65%*
            Head: 50.1cm.- >97%**
Drew:  Weight: 26lbs. 7oz.- 30%
             Length: 25 1/4"- 75%*
             Head: 52.8cm.- >97%**
*If the saying is true that if you double your height at age two that is how tall you will be as an adult, then Anna Kate will be 5'8" and Drew will be 5'10". I somehow can't see that Anna Kate will be that tall but we shall see.  Drew's is believable, that is how tall his Daddy is.
**They can thank the Garlands for their big heads! John Clay, Uncle Aaron, and Papaw Hubert all have big melon heads!

Anna Kate, you are still a very sweet girl with a mighty temper.  If something doesn't make you happy, you will let us know. You get pouty when you don't get your way and are known for the "side eye". It tears you up when your Daddy gets on to you.  You like to read books, color, and mothering your baby dolls. You are very independent and want to dress yourself (you will spend 10-15 minutes trying to put your sandals on and will refuse help), snap yourself into your car seat, bathe yourself, and will even try to diaper yourself.  Your new favorite saying is "I walk".  You still love snacks and can always find room for them even if you just ate. Your favorite food is tomatoes and you like any kind of fruit. You also really like bread.You are a mama's girl. You love your shoes and like picking out your own clothes. You really like it when people tell you that you are pretty. You will just prance and strut around when we compliment you on something you are wearing.  You get excited about going new places and you like to go outside. You are happy and giggly. We predict that you will be a pharmacist when you grow up because you really like medicine. You like climbing and flipping and swimming. You have no fear but you are cautious at the same time. You like to get on furniture and jump off onto the couch, etc... You also like jumping off the diving board at the pool. You like to dance and you like to "sing". You are still very petite although you recently had a big growth spurt and have gotten taller. You can still wear some 9-12 month size clothes. Most pants that are 12 months and up have to be taken up in the waist so they don't fall off of you (thank goodness for a DotDot that can sew!). You are a very good sleeper and will ask us to go "night night" when you are tired. You can be shy and clingy when we are in public and especially when you go to school. You are good at sharing, especially with your brother and usually will just find something else to play with if he takes something away from you. Also, if we give you a cookie, juice, etc... you always want to get one for Drew and will go give it to him. You are very motherly!

Drew, we say you are just happy to be here.  You smile and laugh a lot. You have an evil sounding laugh when you are excited about something. You like reading books and will pick one out that is your favorite for a few weeks and then will move to another one.  You don't like meat. You eat vegetables well and really like fruit. Tomatoes and blueberries are some of your favorites.  You are a mama's boy. You like your trucks and cars and most things "boy". You have no fear. You climb on everything and really like to be chased. You observe and can pick up on things very quickly.  You learned how to play golf by watching it on TV with your Grandaddy and you are actually quite good at it.  You have figured out how to unlock doors, including the ones with the childproof locks on them. We predict that you may be an electrician (because you like to plug things in, turn them on, and see them work) or a janitor (you really like to sweep and vacuum) when you grow up. You aren't as good of a sleeper as your sister and are usually the first one to get up.  You will stay up (happily) as long as we will let you even if it is way past your bed or nap time. You have had an easier time adjusting to school than your sister. You are sensitive. You can repeat almost anything you hear. You are inquisitive and want to be right in the middle of the action. You want to watch and "help" if there is any work going on. You like big trucks, tractors, mowers, and motorcycles and will talk about them any time you see one. You are not very good at sharing with your sister and do not like it when she plays with what you think are your toys. You are physically agile. You like climbing and have good balance. You wear clothes true to your size. You have big feet and hands. You like to take a bath and always splash even though you know you aren't supposed to. You can put on a show and are usually the entertainer of the crowd (if you aren't an electrician or janitor, you may be a politician). You blow big kisses with both hands and will do so at strangers as we are leaving stores or restaurants while yelling bye. You are a big flirt! You really, really like your sunglasses and would wear them at all times if we would let you. You are way cool!

You both are such a joy and are really good babies kids (it is going to take time for me to start calling them that!). You have your moments that you don't listen or are purposely defiant but usually,it is just because you are checking your boundaries. You personalities could not be more different yet you compliment each other so well!
 Enjoying an after school "treat" for a successful second day of school!
 Strawberry slushie from Sonic. Yum!
  Trying to put a diaper on her baby.
Playing on the sit-and-spins they got for their birthday. Drew likes to put all of his cars and trucks on there with him and then spin them off.

Monday, August 13, 2012


It has been 731 days (last year was a leap year) since my life was completely flipped upside down.  At 5:45pm the most beautiful 4 pounds and 13 ounces I had ever seen took her first breath. Exactly 30 minutes later at 6:15pm the love I felt for her doubled by 6 pounds and 12 ounces. I hate that some of the minute details of that day are starting to fade. I wish I would have started this blog back then. I have a love for them I never knew existed.  They provide new challenges and at the same time so much fun every single day. Motherhood is such a strange thing. It is stressful and exhausting and your life revolves around someone elses schedule at all times yet it is the best thing ever. I can't remember what life was like before they were here and I am so glad that they were chosen to be mine.  I love them more than they will ever know.
They spent their birthday with DotDot.  After we got off work, we had dinner and Aunt Ashley came to celebrate with us too! 
When I got home Drew and Anna Kate were in the garden helping DotDot and Grandaddy pick tomatoes.  Drew just went ahead and helped himself to a "moe". Ha!
Anna Kate helping Grandaddy carry the tomatoes back to the house.
5:45pm... Officially 2!
Grandaddy helping Drew retrieve his "boon".
6:15pm... Officially 2 also!
Birthday dinner!

Happy Birthday Anna Katherine and Andrew Clay! I cannot wait to see what the next year will bring. I love you more than anything in this world!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

More party pics!

I found so many good pictures on my camera that I had to post more party pictures.

Yummy cakes and cookies that DotDot and Mimi Jo made.  We are so very lucky to always have special treats made specially by them.

 The bounce house was a huge hit! Thanks to the Davis's for letting us borrow it.
 "Mom, enough with the pictures!"
 My beautiful girl!
 Enjoying some cake!
 Blowing out her candles.
 Serious about some cake
 Pepaw and Ann partied with us!
 DotDot and Grandaddy. Thanks for hosting our party!
 Opening presents
 Enjoying his new monster truck. He has carried it everywhere with him.
 Thanking people for her gifts!
 Telling Mamaw thank you for her gifts.
 Blocking the slide traffic
 This picture is blurry but hilarious!
 Drew wanted to help Whitney take Price and Hayes for a wagon ride. These are some of Drew and Anna Kate's most favorite people.  We talk about Hayes, Price, and Whitney daily (usually on multiple occasions!).
 While the other kids were playing, my boy was sweeping.  Such a helpful little man!
 Anna Kate telling Hayes and Hudson bye.  It is a full time job for her to keep all these boys in line! 
Again with the balloons.  He got all tangled up in them again and then tried to get in the bath tub with them. Forget all the fancy gifts, all they needed was some balloons!